We would love for you to purchase the Callifonts collection, but we also want to make sure that they will meet your intended use, since there are no returns on computer software.
Callifonts are provided as TrueType font files that work on Windows (XP/Vista/7) and Mac OS X. Callifonts are intended for use with the English language. Best results are obtained if you use the fonts at 24 points or larger, in a modern word processing program or page layout program that supports built-in font kerning pairs.
Please click on CONTACT US or e-mail order@callifonts.com and describe to us the software program with which you intend to use Callifonts, as well as a general description of the types of projects with which you plan to use them.
Once we verify that you are good to go, we will send you a secure link that enables you to pay $129 via PayPal. Once your payment clears, we will send you the Callifonts package either electronically or via mail (your choice). The mailed package also includes a full-size wall poster that displays the complete character set for every font in the package.